The Hotchkiss Library of Sharon’s Summer Book Signing is the historic town library’s primary annual fundraiser. Proceeds further its mission of promoting literacy throughout the community. Thirty authors come together to sign their latest hardcover books for hundreds of ticketed book lovers from neighboring towns in Northwest Connecticut, the Hudson Valley, and the Berkshires. The festive evening, under tents on the library grounds adjacent to the beautiful Sharon Green, has become one of the area’s most anticipated summer events and is made possible by the hard work of a large crew of dedicated volunteers. The book signing kicks of a big weekend in Sharon, with the Sharon Green Arts and Crafts Show held on Saturday.
*** Post UPDATE- see bottom of post*** I just got off the phone with Lisa Carter, Interim Superintendent of the Region One School District....
On Saturday from 4-5pm, the Historical Society will be hosting the first of four panels in the ‘Reinventing Farming’ Oral History Program.
JULY 18, 8pm SOLD OUT BUY TICKETS NEWLY ADDEDSunday,JULY 19, 8pm $50 per Vehicle The Jersey Tenors is the newest Opera/Rock Mash-up sensation that...