Marshall Miles Interviews Region One Superintendent Lisa Carteron, Back-to-School Process in Region One

August 21, 2020 00:13:37
Marshall Miles Interviews Region One Superintendent Lisa Carteron, Back-to-School Process in Region One
Marshall Miles Interviews Region One Superintendent Lisa Carteron, Back-to-School Process in Region One

Aug 21 2020 | 00:13:37


Show Notes

  1. Guidance for opening comes from CSDE and DPH 
    1. Based on current transmission data - low at the moment
    2. Elementary schools - full opening for all students - 5 days per week
    3. HVRHS - Hybrid - 2 cohorts AA Wednesday BB
    4. Families can opt for distance learning Pre-K-12
  2. Building teams and Central Office worked throughout the summer
    1. Building modifications - traffic flow markers and signs, plexiglass barriers, classroom organization 
    2. PPE and other supplies ordered - masks, gloves, gowns, face shields, hand sanitizer
    3. Cleaning protocols and equipment purchased
    4. Safety and hygiene protocols and training - John’s Hopkins, videos, signs, in-class reminders
  3. Need everyone’s help to keep school open
    1. School staff and students
      1. Cohorting where possible
      2. Masks and other face coverings 
      3. Social distancing
      4. Handwashing and sanitizing
      5. Stay home if sick
    2. Parents
      1. Follow CDC guidelines - 
        1. limit social contact to safe pod
        2. Masks
        3. Social distancing
        4. Handwashing and sanitizing
        5. Daily health screening of students and family members
        6. Keep students home if sick and report to nurse
        7. See doctor if nurse recommends doing so and report doctor visit outcome
  4. Protocols in place in case someone becomes ill
    1. Report positive case to DPH ASAP
      1. Contract tracing by DPH with support form us
        1. Important for parents to provide information if called. If a parent doesn’t trust the caller - ask to call back and verify that it is the DPH calling
      2. DPH will advise whether to quarantine a cohort or close the school
  5. Athletics and after school activities
    1. Middle school - cancelled until further notice
      1. Will reevaluate after school starts to see if anything can safely be added
    2. High School  -  waiting for CIAC announcement after Thursday’s meeting with DPH 

Located in the northwest corner of Connecticut, Region One is composed of the towns of Canaan, Cornwall, Kent, North Canaan, Salisbury, and Sharon. Approximately 13,000 people live in the region’s 275 square miles, and it has comparatively little industry. Citizens of the towns that make up the region pursue a wide variety of occupations including farming, financial, legal, and academic pursuits. Service occupations dominate the economy of the area. Health care facilities include a hospital and several nursing establishments. Only small town shopping facilities are within the area, with large centers within reasonable driving distance.

The region contains seven independent schools: six for grades K-8 (four of which carry a Pre-K program) and one for grades 9-12. There are several daycare and nursery school centers. Thus, education is a substantial part of the local economy. Due to the area’s attractive terrain and rural character, there are many second-home owners and retired or semi-retired people who live in the region all or part of the time. As a result of computer technology that allows for work to be done in residence, there is a trend among many of the second-home owners to relocate their primary residence to the region. While the setting is rural, there exists among the residents a considerable degree of sophistication, a high interest in education, and an outstanding awareness of the importance of the arts and humanities

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