At Montage you will always find a vast array of furniture, lighting, art and beautiful things. Although only a small selection of our stock makes it onto this website, you can get a good idea of our style and substance here! Please visit us in our great big shop on Main Street in Millerton, NY!
Daily 10-5
Closed Tuesdays
12-5 on Sunday
Sister Parish Design finds inspiration in the past to design for today. With a sensibility rooted in traditional, American decorative arts history, we celebrate the beloved designs from the prolific Parish Hadley archive.
To understand the story between iconic decorators Sister Parish and Albert Hadley, is to recognize the diversity and variety of our collection. Bold and beautiful. Soft and subtle. Masculine and feminine. Theirs was a special relationship that flourished in the mutual respect of their complementary point of views.
With a deep appreciation of our craft heritage, from the artisans on the Lower East Side to the banks of Louisiana, every print has its own American Story. A melting pot of influence and creativity. We honor the story of great American houses, which reflect the people who lived in them.
Decorating continues to be the prism in which we live our lives, and it is our privilege to collaborate with our clients in telling these stories through our collection.
Decorating is to dream, and Sister Parish Design is a family of dreamers.
On March 1, Keita will speak to members of the community at Noble Horizons in Salisbury, CT, with one message to impart on behalf...
This summary concerning the COVID-19 infections recently was released to Robin Hood Radio by Maria Horn and Brent Colley on Saturday evening: Update on...