According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, your listeners should expect to pay more this winter to heat their homes. Prices are forecast to rise by more than 40 percent for households who use heating oil, and will increase about 30 percent for natural gas and 54 percent for propane. So we’re working to get the word out to our customers ahead of the cold weather. We want to help our customers better manage their energy use.
Things customers can do NOW to save energy :
Additional tips for keeping energy costs down in the winter:
Children’s Programs Summer-Reading-2020-V1-EnglishDownload This year’s Summer Reading Program theme is “Imagine Your Story” Join us in a magical summer full of stories and fairies...
Holiday Tree Lighting, Carols, Hot Cider, and Cookies 5:00pm — Tree Lighting (Organized by the Sharon Green Preservation Association) 5:00-5:30pm — Carols with Salisbury...