Peter Matthiessen Wheelwrights is a writer, architect, and educator. He is Emeritus Professor at The New School, Parsons School of Design in New York City, where he taught design and wrote on matters of environmental philosophy, design theory, and social practices in the built and natural worlds.
As It Is On Earth, his first work of fiction, received a 2013 PEN/Hemingway Honorable Mention for Literary Excellence. His most recent novel, The Door-Man, will be published February 1, 2022 (Fomite Press).
Educated at Trinity College where he studied painting and sculpture, Peter went on to receive his Master in Architecture from Princeton University. His design work as an architect has been widely published. The Kaleidoscope House, a modernist dollhouse designed in collaboration with artist Laurie Simmons is in the Collection of Architecture and Design at the Museum of Modern Art. To learn more about Peter Wheelwright’s work as an architect, click on “The Architecture’ link above… or visit PMWArchitects.
Peter comes from a family of writers with an abiding affection for the natural world. His uncle and namesake is/was three-time National Book Award recipient, Peter Matthiessen.
photo courtesy Litchfield County Times The Sharon Historical Society & Museum collects, preserves and shares Sharon’s stories. The vision of the Sharon Historical Society...
Downsizing with Boomers & Seniors April 14 @ 10:00 am – 11:30 am « Decluttering and Organizing Basics Adult Ed Class Downsizing with Boomers...
On Saturday from 4-5pm, the Historical Society will be hosting the first of four panels in the ‘Reinventing Farming’ Oral History Program.